During Freshman Year, teams were invited to an event presented as
an oral pop quiz. The directions below were read, then all the
questions and then all the answers. The transcription of the
questions came from a solving team, so this represents what teams
might realistically have had during Hunt. The original
script for this event is also available.
Write down the answer to each question. I will only read each
question once. There will be a ten-second pause between questions.
If you finish one early, you can go back to answer a previous one.
Once thetest begins, there will be no talking. We shall start now.
1. Q:
When Kelly grew up, she pronounced enhancement as what? (sic)
A: Ansmet
2. Q:
When did Jeff break his index finger?
A: June '92
3. Q:
What does Tim always shout at the end of "Das Boot"?
A: "Man overboard"
4. Q:
What is the maiden name of Richie, Dolores and June's mother?
A: Califida(?)
5. Q:
What is Jack's favorite field in math?
A: Vector algebra
6. Q:
What did Tommy's parents bring back from their trip to Budapest?
A: Paprika
7. Q:
Of what film character does Randy do great impressions?
A: Karl Childers
8. Q:
What two things does Mary use in her laundry?
A: Wisk and Bounce
9. Q:
What kind of Etch-a-Sketch does Sara have?
A: Keychain
10. Q:
When William was five, which President did he meet at the
Easter egg roll?
A: Jimmy Carter
11. Q:
Just like always, at what event did Steve arrive late last
A: His driver's test
12. Q:
What breakfast food does Steve always put Worcestershire sauce
A: Scrambled eggs
13. Q:
For what holiday sermon did Bishop Witherspoon quote from
A: Feast of the Immaculate Conception
14. Q:
Where did Laverne earn her doctorate in Economics?
A: Stanford
15. Q:
What is Bob's least favorite computer game?
A: Ogre
16. Q:
How many times did Shelley see "The Vita-Meta-Vega-Min"?
A: 40
17. Q:
For Halloween, who did Walter dress up as?
A: Spiderman
18. Q:
Ralph's winter cabin is 25 miles north of what city?
A: Albuquerque
19. Q:
What are the two colors of Sally's truck?
A: Purple and white
20. Q:
What is the name of Kim's pet dingo?
A: Foozball
21. Q:
Of all actors in Anchor's Away, who was Mike's favorite?
A: Frank Sinatra
22. Q:
According to Fred, how much would the 1st edition of Grey's
go for?
A: $10,000