6.10101011 — Computer Applications to Puzzle Solving Solution

Stage 1: We are provided with a file containing over 1.6 million lines, most of them containing a single number of blank. Some have hyphens. The numbers only go up to 25, so interpret them as alphabet indices. Blank lines are spaces and hyphens are hyphens. Write a program to write a new file.

Stage 2: This file contains spelled-out numbers, starting "nineteen nine twenty-four  six" with a double space before the six. Interpret these numbers the same way, with the double space representing a space between words. Some words start with a hyphen, e.g. the seventeenth word in this file is "-fifteen". Keep that hyphen as a hyphen in the new file.

Stages 3-8: These files are of the same format as the stage 2 file, and can be parsed by the same program.

Stage 9: The file contains the word HEADED, which is the final answer.