24.7 — Word Recognition

Prof. Eric Albert (See solution)

Even something as innocent as a voice recognition system can be turned into a puzzle by a creative Enigmatologist. We spoke a bunch of words that belong to the same set (though they don't comprise the whole set) into our voice-input system. Each line below contains the four alternatives (none is a correct word itself) that the system came up with for each word we spoke.

To pass this course, figure out the single word that describes each and every element of the set.

did, bed, head, it

flat, lack, lap, Latin

trauma, job, chalk, drama

nor, more, Mark, your

mentoring, meditating, nutrient, mainframe

faulted, vaulted, phobic, bulk

sarcasm, sarcastic, surpass, sergeants

asking, casting, caffeine, napkin

jibe, Hannah, chat, shined

quarrel, oral, call, full