19.2582 -- Research

Prof. Scott Weiss (See solution)

Research is vital to both the solving and constructing Enigmatologist. Practice your fact-finding skills by finding these nuggets of joy.

According to the song, "it comes in a cup" and "it's only a buck".
According to the Courier, what Mama was asked to do, in "1776"
Album featuring "On My Way to Paradise"
Band who did the album "We'll Always Have Ohio"
BATES will rent you one
Beth, who's half kender, half other stuff
Bob Fitch, Roy Straigis, Mike Brown, and Bill Augustine, collectively
Book whose subtitle is "Creating Virtual Worlds with REND386"
Disco or Magnet
Dominique Maillet reviewed it in Premiere (Frence) in July 1984 (pg. 8)
Eleanor's replacement on a 70's sitcom
"Electric Earthquake" hero
English name of 1996 Stefan Dorra game where "money plays no part"
Fermin Velez's sponsor
Film where Jane Fonda had a body double for her sex scene with Jon Voight
Film with the quote "Don't you have the whole world to save?"
First song on "Jump Up"
Hollywood Joe's CD combining swing/jazz with rockabilly
Item A115 at Fatboyz Candy
It features The Seven Arits (with "the")
Its tag line was "Intelligence runs in the family"
"Key" of "Duet for Human and Narn" in a 1996 comic book
Kombinatie tekenfilm/live action lijkt nergens op behalve op Neverending Story (with "The")
Laserdisc number 5720, catalogue number ID 2424 LI
Madonna fan page: "Something's ___"
Montag's activity in a 1966 film
Movie featuring the expression "Christopher Columbus!"
Movie featuring the line "You're a very paranoid person. I like that."
Musical whose prologue features Frannie and Manny
Name of "storage building" number 20 at UMD
NASDAQ ticker symbol of group headquartered at 4200 Parliament Place, Lanham, MD
1942 Hopalong Cassidy western
November 2 in Mexico
Rubbing oil sold by I. Armstrong
Song featured on CD5 single: Arista 74321-19619-2 (UK), 1994
The domain name of HuskyLabs
The Irish version requires fresh pig's blood and beef casings
"Trzy kobiety"
What Mabel is doing when not listening to music or riding her bicycle
Where Tim Wilson claimed the Yeagre was on September 15, 1997
Verse described on pg. 54-56 of More of Paul Harvey's The Rest of the Story

The most trivial of errata applies to this puzzle: Jon Voight's name was misspelled (John) (corrected above).