Solowuerfeln (Solo Dice) Rules
A solitaire dice game

1. Starting play
Click the icon of the dice to open the Solowuerfeln window.

Use the Config-Tool to add this button to your toolbar.
2. The game
(fig. 1)

Solo Dice is a nice, short dice game which can be played to pass time or while waiting for other players. It has certain similarities to Can´t Stop, but there are also clear differences.

Each turn you roll five dice and form sums with two pairs of the dice. These sums are marked on the left, and the single die on the right. (fig. 3)

Roll the dice by clicking on Game Over, or afterwards on the dice that appear in its place. (fig. 1, 2) Then click the sums of your two pairs in the left column - a green mark appears for each of them. (fig. 3) When you make the next roll, these choices become final and turn white. (fig. 4)

(fig. 2)

The goal of the game is to score many points by skillful selection of the two pairs. The exact points will be described later. The following rules limit the selection of the pairs:

  • You may open as many of the 11 possible pairs as you wish.
  • On the right, you may only open three numbers. I.e., if you already have three numbers open on the right, you must always leave one of these three numbers as the leftover die. If you don't roll any of your three numbers, you may leave any die unused, and such a free throw will be marked under F on the right.
  • The game ends when one of the numbers on the right is used eight times.
(fig. 3)

The point assignment:

Points are scored only for the pairs tallied on the left, according to these rules:

  • The first time you open each number, it costs 200 points.
  • The fifth time you score each number, you get the 200 points back.
  • The sixth through tenth time you score each number, you score its basic value from the table below.
  • You can select a number more than ten times, but it will not score any additional points.

The basic values:

Sum 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Score 100 70 60 50 40 30 40 50 60 70 100
(fig. 4)

An example:

You form a 7 (6+1) and a 10 (5+5), leaving a 5. (fig. 3)

When you roll the dice the selection becomes final. You now have -400 points, since you opened the 7 and 10. (fig. 4)

(fig. 5)
With the next roll, two 10s were selected, and a 3 was left over. Thus, you still have -400 points. (fig. 5)

(fig. 6)
After some further rolls, five pairs and the maximum three numbers on the right are open. (fig. 6) You have recovered the -200 points for opening each of 7 and 10 by scoring each of these five times. You still have -600 for the other three open numbers. In addition, you have 30+30 points for the 6th and 7th 7s, and 60+60 for the 6th and 7th 10s, for a total of -600+60+120 = -420

(fig. 7)
With this roll, only the 3 can be left out, so you must play 8 and 10. (fig. 7)
(fig. 8)

Since this is the 8th 3 set aside, the game ends. You have scored -600 for the incomplete 8, 9, and 12, plus 5*30 for the 7s and 5*60 for the 10s. The total is -600+150+300 = -150. (fig. 8)